If your site is not holding your members long enough for them to use your best content, well… something’s got to change. Quickly. Because buying new customers to replace the ones leaving is just too expensive. Fortunately, I understand the problems you face. I help niche, nonprofit, and continuing education sites plug their holes so that current members stay invested for months and years longer than industry norms.
Does this sound familiar?
- Visitors sign up to become members only to… vanish.
- New members drop out of the onboarding process.
- Members ignore premium content. Which means their biggest problems never get solved!
- Your exit surveys polling members are inconclusive.
- Forums, where the magic is supposed to happen, are frustratingly… quiet.
- You’re not sure what members expect or want from you.
Frankly, if building a membership site was easy, everyone would do it.
I mean, who could say no to auto-collecting money every month for riffing on a topic that you love anyway?
But, as you know, it’s nothing like that.
No matter how hard the dream, 4-hour, membership-site work week is sold.
The best sites, the ones you look up to, weren’t built overnight.
“It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless!”
― Someone, Somewhere
For starters, to launch a membership site requires a single-focus, herculean drive.
There’s so many parts to track. A lot of the tasks are tedious but absolutely necessary for a digital business.
And then there’s the community.
You have to build it — from the ground up.
Community, after all, is the reason for your site’s being.
But trying to get strangers to talk to each other?
Help, advise, and encourage each other?
That’s asking a lot.
The good news is that it CAN. BE. DONE.
What if your membership site is already up and running? And going well.
Excellent. It does take a different kind of effort to keep it growing and evolving.
Put simply, you’ve got to keep doing what’s working, stop doing what’s not working, and then… predict the future.
Sure, no problem, right?
That’s where I come in.
I help membership site owners and managers give their members what they want.
(Not what they need. Long story, I know.)
How so? By…
-> Removing the bottlenecks that frustrate your members.
-> Simplifying language where necessary.
-> Creating assets that work as intended.
My work is not based on creative whim, mind you.
Rather, I use a very specific process informed by data.
There’s no reason to settle for a site that’s not serving your members well.
You know they have wants, problems, and needs.
Who better to help them than you?
Ready to Start?
Or keep reading to find out more.

How I help
I offer three interrelated services: copywriting, conversion-rate optimization, and needs analysis.
Copywriting – Sales copy written for your target audience, designed for the project’s medium.
Conversion-rate optimization – CRO process using direct-response tactics and psychology to refine your existing marketing assets.
Needs analysis – The first step in a larger engagement or a stand-alone option. It’s an assessment of your existing marketing assets with recommendations for improvement.
About me
In my 10+ year career, I’ve come to see copy as one side of a digital sales triangle. Copy by itself is not a magic pill. Given the right product offer and traffic source, though, it comes very close.
My past clients include Act-On Software, Ali Med, Amino Communications, Ashley Black Guru, BIOHM, Canopy Management, Covenant Ballet Theatre, DOCS Education, Early to Rise, Easier Living, e-Share, EXO5, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Holiday Retirement, Home Science Tools, Inedo, InstaMD, Laurie Lee Fine Art, Linked Selling, Monroe Group, multiple churches, NuTiger Organics, Obsidian Personal Planning Solutions, Orthopaedic Institute for Children, Perl Careers, Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters, Power Digital, Pushpay, Select Quote, Stouffer Legal, Synergy Spanish, Theo Tech, True Blue Inc., Verity Global Solutions, Verses for Life, and X-Medius.
Mike’s research, discovery, and project work saved me thousands of dollars that I was set to invest in a nonprofit that had almost no chance to succeed, unfortunately. I’m grateful for learning that sooner and not later. He’s sharp and has a process that’s logical, not speculative.